Active Transportation Support Program
Are you aware....
Encouraging bicycling for personal transportation is a major goal of the Transportation Agency for Monterey County. Access to secure and conveniently located bicycle parking supports individuals who choose to bicycle for everyday trips, like to work, school, shopping, or leisure. The Agency operates the Active Transportation Support Program to help private businesses, local jurisdictions, nonprofit organizations, school disctricts and other public agencies in Monterey County to acquire active transportations resources and equipment to service their employees, clients and students. The program provides services to help applicants manage their own roll repair or bike safety program, as well as training resources to run these programs. Applicants also have the option to apply for support kits and fixed equipment such as bicycle racks and lockers. In conjunction, the Active Transportation Support Program actively supports those that are involved in our Safe Routes to School Program and Go831 Program. Read more in our guidelines below; use the fillable PDF application below to potentially become a recipient!
Active Transportation Support Program Guidelines
Active Transportation Support Program Application 2022
Salinas mom and her children with their bikes arriving at school.
Marina Teeen Center Skate Board Rack
City of Marina Bike Locker
Audult and Youth Using the Bike Repair Station in Greenfield